Motichoor laddu


MOTICHOOR LADOO are the favorite of all and are prepared for any religious rituals or on any special occasion.


*Gram flour -1 ½ cup
*Sugar -1 ¼ cup
*Water –to immerse
*Almond – chopped-1tbp
*Cardamom powder- ¼ tsp/rose essence/optional
*Oil – for frying
* Orange/yellow food colour – a pinch


  1. Sieve gram flour add water and make a paste until it gets pouring consistency. Batter should not be too thick or too thin.

2. Heat oil in a kadhai and take a big laddle with {boondhi karandi} holes.

3. Start making boondi. Pour one ladle of batter holding the laddle high enough above the oil.Let the boondi cook and don’t make too crispy



4.Prepare sugar syrup with one string consistency.Pour syrup in water it should not dissolve.


5. Add the fried boondi and all ingredients to the sugar syrup.

6. Put the boondi in a mixer &  add a tsp of hot water and use the pulse/whipper.

7. Soak the boondi in syrup for ½ hour. Boondi will absorb syrup into it.

8. Take it out in a plate and wet your hands with some water and take 2-3 tbsp mixture or accordingly.

9. With help of both hands press the mixture making round ladoos.  Keep the ladoos open in air for 5 to 6 hours.

10. Tasty Motichoor laddoo is ready.

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