Besan Ladoo are ball shaped sweets from Indian Cuisine and are made for most festivals and celebrations. Besan ladoo are sweet balls made from chickpea flour, sugar, ghee and nuts.


* 2 cup gram flour

* 1 cup ghee
*1 and half cup powder sugar or as per your choice
* One pinch of cardamom
* Some small pieces of dry fruits + resin
  1. Heat the heavy bottom of karahi & put 1 cup of ghee.
  2. Add besan (gram flour) & keep stirring on medium flame.
  3. When gram flour roast  then add 1/2 tsp spoon water . continuously stirring
  4. When besan roast completely then off  flame.
  5. Now add powder sugar,cardamom & dry fruits + resin.
  6. Let it cool and when mixture reaches on warm condition.
  7. Start to make beautiful round ball & garnish by silver leaves. 9 -10 piece of ladoo will make in this mixture.
  8. Serve in a plate


  1. Always roast gram flour (besan) on medium or low  flame.never cook on high flame because taste will bitter
  2. We are adding 1/2 tsp water while roasting gram flour to improve the flavour of the Ladoo.


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Motichoor laddu


MOTICHOOR LADOO are the favorite of all and are prepared for any religious rituals or on any special occasion.


*Gram flour -1 ½ cup
*Sugar -1 ¼ cup
*Water –to immerse
*Almond – chopped-1tbp
*Cardamom powder- ¼ tsp/rose essence/optional
*Oil – for frying
* Orange/yellow food colour – a pinch


  1. Sieve gram flour add water and make a paste until it gets pouring consistency. Batter should not be too thick or too thin.

2. Heat oil in a kadhai and take a big laddle with {boondhi karandi} holes.

3. Start making boondi. Pour one ladle of batter holding the laddle high enough above the oil.Let the boondi cook and don’t make too crispy



4.Prepare sugar syrup with one string consistency.Pour syrup in water it should not dissolve.


5. Add the fried boondi and all ingredients to the sugar syrup.

6. Put the boondi in a mixer &  add a tsp of hot water and use the pulse/whipper.

7. Soak the boondi in syrup for ½ hour. Boondi will absorb syrup into it.

8. Take it out in a plate and wet your hands with some water and take 2-3 tbsp mixture or accordingly.

9. With help of both hands press the mixture making round ladoos.  Keep the ladoos open in air for 5 to 6 hours.

10. Tasty Motichoor laddoo is ready.

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The taste of GOND ATTA LADOO is very awesome and very healthy. Mostly it is made in winter season.Method of making ladoo is same just like besan laddoo. Let us see how to make GOND ATTA LADDOO

*1 kg- Wheat flour
* 750 gm – Powder sugar
* 1 Kg – Ghee
* One tsp of cardamom powder
*Some small pieces of dry fruits + resin
* 2 tsp – roasted Watermelon or muskmelon seeds
*250 gm – Gond

Method :-

Heat the heavy bottom of kadahi & put 1 cup of ghee.
Stir fry gond on low flame and keep aside
Now roast or fry all dry fruit like almond, cashew nut watermelon or musk seeds resin etc and cut in pieces. You can use pieces of dry fruits
Grind fried Gond along with half powder sugar in grinder
Put remaining ghee and add Wheat (Gehun) ka atta & keep stirring on medium flame.
When wheat flour roast, keep stirring
When wheat flour roast completely then turn off the flame.
Now add half powder sugar,grounded Gond, cardamom, dry fruits watermelon or musk melon /magaj seed and resin.
Let it cool and when mixture reaches on warm condition.
Start to make beautiful round ball & roll or garnish with roasted water melon or musk melon mugaj seeds. Approximately 40 piece of ladoo will make in this mixture or may be more ,it depend on size what you like to make big or small size
Serve on a plate.


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